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巫師3狂獵 v1.31杰洛特走路跑步游泳移動加速MOD網友評分:



巫師3狂獵 v1.31杰洛特走路跑步游泳移動加速MOD v1.0,由“Nexusmods - willief23”制作,雖然人物的移動速度并不算慢了,但是如果你還是覺得狼叔的移動僵硬緩慢的話,你會喜歡這個走路、跑步、游泳甚至閃避的加速,本站提供巫師3狂獵杰洛特走路跑步游泳移動加速MOD v1.0,需要的玩家不要錯過哦!

巫師3狂獵 v1.31杰洛特走路跑步游泳移動加速MOD v1.0精美截圖


巫師3狂獵 v1.31杰洛特走路跑步游泳移動加速MOD v1.0資源詳情

This page will be updated with improvements to Geralt. For now you have Geralts running, walking, swimming and dodging speeds increased.


Increased walking speed around 35-40%, running speed around 50-60% faster, swimming speed around 35%, dodge and roll speed either 10 or 15% faster. Geralt switching from silver to steel sword or vice versa is 25% faster. Ciri will also have these speeds applied to her as well. Ciri's blink dodge is 15% faster and her charge for heavy attack is 20% faster. Geralt is a witcher his days of running and walking slow are over. He has been trained to fight various monsters and beasts so he decided to become an Olympian to run and swim faster. You can also run up mountains faster and as a side effect should be able to reach areas you couldnt previously. From my testing of things it looks like an additional benefit of running faster allows Geralt to jump slightly higher as certain areas before this speed increase i dont remember being able to jump as high to reach ledges.

提高行走速度35 - 40%,跑速約50 - 60%,游泳速度約35%,道奇和滾轉速度快10或15%。格爾特從銀轉換成鋼劍或反之亦然25%快。Ciri也會將這些速度應用到她身上。Ciri閃避的速度快15%,而對猛烈攻擊的沖鋒速度快20%。格爾特是個巫師,他的跑步和走慢的日子已經結束了。他被訓練來對付各種各樣的怪物和野獸,所以他決定成為一名奧運選手,跑得更快。你也可以跑得更快,而且作為一個副作用,你應該能夠到達你以前不能到達的地方。從我對事物的測試來看,它看起來像一個額外的好處,跑得更快,在這個速度增加之前,我不記得有能力跳得越高,就越高。

I will upload more variations of the speed increases with different amounts mainly in lower percentages later on. This will be updated with other improvements , I will upload Geralts face with only HoS marks on it and the rest of the scars removed. Geralt with whiter hair and whiter beard. Made the hair tweak based off WLM so its more of a consistent color white. Working on trying to get the igni and aard signs to have the visual effects go further out. You can change how far igni and aard hit enemies through script files(how far it can reach enemies) but I want the visual effect to go further out as well. Sadly I didnt find boat speeds in the file i modified or any of the animation files so it probably can only be done via script.


No animation files are included as they have a bug of floating npcs. The speed changes are done through behaviour tables.



0.5 - 1.0 - 1.5 - 1.75

巫師3狂獵 v1.31杰洛特走路跑步游泳移動加速MOD v1.0使用說明


